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How To Build a Culture That Performs

Imagine words like toxic, unethical, and discouraging associated with your company. Sounds like all goodwill invested is being neglected? That’s true. This is why culture matters and for the same reason all top companies are continuously looking for ways to cultivate perfect company culture. Some companies believe in casual culture…

Lunch Hours at AtliQ Technologies

Lunch Hours

Reading Time: < 1 minute A family that eats together stays together, and a shared meal always tastes better.
Happy Employee-= Happier Clients-= Happiest Company 1

Happy Employee = Happier Clients = Happiest Company

The ultimate goal of any business is profit-making. It can be achieved by bringing individuals with different skill sets to a common ground and motivating them to deliver their best. For an effective work result, it becomes important that they enjoy a happy workplace which will help them develop a…

Day Dream coming true- NAP POLICY

Day Dream Coming True- NAP POLICY

“Early to bed & early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Benjamin Franklin In Poor Richard's Almanack.  But is this possible in today’s world, with so many distractions and a messed up work-life balance? Even though an adult is suggested to get a minimum of seven to…

Monday Motivation at AtliQ Technologies

Marvelous Monday

Reading Time: < 1 minute The monday blues can easily be painted red with games that make you want to get out of bed.
Diversification at AtliQ Technologies


Reading Time: < 1 minute A team are the ones tasked with one function and to make it the best you need diversification.
Equal employment opportunity at AtliQ Technologies

Equal Employment Opportunity

We’ve always held the belief that diversity is a pillar of innovation and creativity. With varied experiences, cultures, and perceptions we are better equipped to cater to the needs of different clients and their audiences. We value diversity in our work culture and have taken steps to ensure  Equal employment…

Leave Policy for Employees

There’s an old saying which goes- “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Our leave policy is such that it allows our employees to take days off when they need to and attend social events, take vacations or spend time with their loved ones when they need…

Hackathons Benefit for an Organisation AtliQ Technologies

Hackathon: How do They Benefit an Organization?

What is a Hackathon? Hackathon is a competitive programming event. The basic idea is to create a project or a solution in a competitive environment within a given time frame. Hackathons are conducted by various organizations, whether they are educational institutes or the corporate setup. A hackathon creates a platform…

AtliQ Productivity Hackathon

AtliQ Productivity Hackathon: Our Experience

AtliQ held a hackathon event on the 28th and 29th of January, and 1st of February. The event aimed to promote ideation, initiative and gave the Engineers in AtliQ to showcase their creativity and hone their skills. The Engineering team was divided into four groups, and the event was split…

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